100-palm sunday

Author Archive

Come to the Manger: Our Christmas Cantata!

Posted on: November 7th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Please join us on Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. for an evening of performance, fellowship, and celebration of the Holy season of Christmas. Our choir will bring to life a lineup of Christmas classics, including ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’,  ‘Joy to the World’, ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’, and ‘Coventry Carol’ – a fresh […]

St. Bede’s is turning 95 — and you’re invited!

Posted on: October 27th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

We’re looking forward to a particularly special worship service at 10:30 on Sunday, Nov. 3, where we look back at the great history of this parish and look forward to the many decades to come. This service will be an opportunity to celebrate with and welcome our Area Bishop, Kevin Robertson, who last joined us […]

Pastor’s Message: Introducing our new Children’s Choir and Praise Band

Posted on: October 26th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Our kids are lively, fun and loud – so we’ve decided to harness that energy to praise the Lord.   Under the direction of James Pothirajulu, St. Bede’s is introducing a new praise choir and band.  As part of the renovation of the Sunday school room, the parish purchased a new electric keyboard and drum kit.  […]

Pastor’s message: Greetings in the name of Jesus

Posted on: October 19th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Over and over again in Scripture we read,  “In Jesus’ name,” or “In his name.” The devils were powerless because of his name (Luke 10:17). The demons were cast out in his name (Mark 16:17-18). Healing occurred in his name (Acts 3:6, 3:16, 4:10). Salvation comes in his name (Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:13). We are […]

From the Pastor: A Thanksgiving message

Posted on: October 13th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

God will provide for us, God does provide for us.  Now, as Paul Tripp writes, God may not fund all our dreams, but God will provide for all our needs.  This day we celebrate and give thanks for the harvest of this land, for good weather, crops and food for our tables and for the friends […]

Harvest Gathering 2019, coming Oct. 26

Posted on: October 9th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

One of our traditions at St. Bedes is to celebrate the season with an evening of true thanksgiving. We start with a service or worship, followed by the kind of festive, deicious dinners that only St. Bede’s can put on. This is followed by an opportunity where items are donated from our community are auctioned […]

From the Pastor: A look at what’s happening at St. Bede’s

Posted on: October 4th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Meet this weekend’s guest preacher, learn how we’re helping in the event of a teachers’ strike and upcoming outreach activities including our Harvest Festival: This coming Sunday we will be welcoming Peter Misiaszek, Director of Stewardship Development, to join us as our preacher.   At the Diocese, Peter is responsible for all aspects of revenue development including […]

From the Pastor: Highlights from our Fall Retreat

Posted on: September 27th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Thank you to all who came out on Saturday for our parish retreat, where we looked at the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout the entirety of the Bible and completed a 162-question exercise to discern our gifts of the Spirit. Special thanks to Peter, our speaker, and all those who volunteered to lead our […]

Pastor’s message, May 30th 2019

Posted on: May 7th, 2019 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Greetings,  With school back in and the weather seemingly cooler this week than last it seems like fall is definitely upon us.  To start this new season – this Sunday we will celebrate with an all ages service – everyone together! We will bless all the children’s backpacks and ask God’s blessing upon them in their […]