Pastoral Epistle – March 12, 2025
Beloved Congregation,
Greetings in Jesus!
“I will meditate on the glorious splendour of Your majesty and on Your wondrous works.” Psalms 145:5
As we continue to draw closer to our Lord during Lent; it will be a blessing to meditate on God’s glorious splendour and on his wonderful works.
Lent Service: This evening, Wednesday, March 12th we will meet on Zoom at 7.30pm for our first Lent service. Kindly join and be blessed.
Zoom Meeting link :
Meeting ID: 846 0154 5756
Passcode: 730794
Sasthriyar Concert: We deeply appreciate everyone who has been calling friends and inviting them for our Centenary Concert. Please continue inviting your friends and also fervently pray for the event.
Here is the RSVP link
Non perishable Food items: Please remember to bring in non perishable food items to donate to the needy people in Scarborough area. This is a meaningful outreach ministry of our church.
Parochial Leaders meeting: Following our service on Sunday, March 23rd our parochial leaders will meet at the chapel to plan our ministry for this year. Kindly remember in prayer.
Fasting and Prayer: We will meet in church on Friday, March 21st at 7.30 pm to pray for our church and for one another. Do all you can to join and be a blessing.
Sunday, March 30th: Please let me know if you can share a testimony or a song on the fifth Sunday. It will bring glory to our heavenly Father.
Faith Works ministry: We encourage our parishioners to contribute towards the faith ministry of our diocese. Kindly take a till box at the end of the service and give your contributions during lent season. We will collect your offerings after Easter and send it to the diocese.
Youtube stream links.
Sunday Service March 16th 10:30am
Past and Present Videos can be accessed through the below link
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings.
E-transfer your Contributions to:
I am immensely thankful for your faithfulness in sending your tithes and offerings. May our Lord richly reward your commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church.
May God help you to meditate on His splendour and be excited about God’s wondrous deeds.
Regards and blessings,