100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – Jan 21 2024

Posted on: January 24th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

The call from God and thereafter 

Jonah 3: 1 – 5, 10

Mark 1: 14 – 20

Our two readings for today are about the call from God to His people. God calling Jonah a second time and God calling His first disciples.  

1. Preparation 

The first four disciples were trained by John the baptizer.   God always prepares his people before appointing them to fulfill His purpose.  Before calling the first four disciples, Jesus had connected with Peter when there was a miraculous catch of fish.  Peter was astonished at the catch. Jesus told him not to be afraid.  God is preparing each one of us for a greater purpose as we go through different phases of life.  The Lord knows why He allows different situations in our lives. 

2. Participation 

Jesus gave them opportunities to fulfill their calling. Jesus kept training His disciples and He was also giving them opportunities to fulfill His purpose for our world.  Every true follower of Jesus Christ will have opportunities to participate in God’s purpose. We are invited to use our gift of self will and be resolve in fulfilling God’s purpose.  It takes deep faith and a strong will to participate in God’s purpose.  God will teach us His plan as we move forward.  Participating in God’s purpose is a training ground to become useful in His kingdom. 

3. Partnership 

The disciples trained many more to fulfill their calling and they also went forward with a renewed vision after the ascension of Christ.  Each apostle pursued their mission. They individually received a special calling from God.  As we remain faithful in our calling, God will reveal His purpose for us individually.  Jonah had a special calling from God to go and preach to a gentile nation, Nineveh.  The apostle Thomas received a special call to sail to the remote nation, India and to preach the Gospel in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.  God has a special calling for your life, a calling others may not have.  May God trust you to fulfill His purpose for this world and may you be used in a unique way by God.  Amen 

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