100-palm sunday

Watchnight Sermon Summary – Dec 31 2023

Posted on: January 5th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Enter 2024 with God 

Isaiah 49: 1 – 7

God invites us to enter the New Year with Him

1. Protection  Isaiah 49: 2

As we prepare to enter the New Year in a few minutes, God assures us that He will protect us under the shadow of His hand. We may be entering the New Year with many questions about what the New Year holds for us; but God’s promise to us is that He will protect us with His hand. We are safe in the arms of Jesus.  God told Moses that when God passes by He will cover him with His hand and when He passes, he can see God’s back. When we enter the New Year God wants us to know that we will be always covered by His hand. 

2. Production  Isaiah 49: 2

God also promises that He will keep His children in His quiver.  We will be God’s arrows; useful for God’s purpose. God will use each of us for His purpose.  We are privileged to be in God’s quiver. We are like arrows in a warrior’s quiver. In the New Year God wants to keep you productive for His purpose. We need to trust God in every situation knowing that we are arrows of God. We are chosen vessels to serve God. 

3. Preservation  Isaiah 49: 6

The holy scripture teaches us that we are preserved to be a light. We will be kept from sin and from anything that will hinder us from shining for Jesus. 

We are preserved to be a light to the world.  The Lord preserves His people and shows Himself powerful to the world.  The world sees God’s Sovereignty through His people who are preserved by His infinite power.  

We are now entering the New Year with God with us who will Protect us, make us Productive and Preserve us throughout 2024.  Amen!!

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