100-palm sunday

Sunday Morning Sermon Summary – Dec 31 2023

Posted on: January 5th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

The Radiance of God
Isaiah 60: 1-6

1. See the Radiance of God Isaiah 60: 1

On this day, the last Sunday of the year and the last day of the year God calls His Church to see His radiance.  God says. “Arise, shine for your light has come.”  When we go through tough situations, it becomes difficult to see the radiance of God. God always shines upon His children.  Jesus Christ is the light of the world.  When we truly follow Jesus, His light will shine upon us. Realizing the presence of God’s radiance on our lives will make us confident followers of Jesus Christ. 

2. Experience the Radiance of God Isaiah 60: 3

When we are able to see God’s radiance; we can move on to experience His radiance.  The Word of God promises that even kings will gravitate to us. When we experience God’s radiance, everyone around us will be able to know it.  It is like a perfume that sends out a nice aroma that attracts everyone around us. We need to spend time in God’s presence to experience God’s radiance. 

3. Become the Radiance of God
Isaiah 60: 5

When we experience God’s radiance, we then become the radiance of God. The Lord’s radiance will shine on you so much that you will shine bright for Jesus.  Moses spent forty days and forty nights in God’s presence on the mountain of God. When he came down from the mountain, the congregation was unable to look upon him because his face was radiant. He had to cover his face with a veil.  How much more will the experience of being filled with God’s spirit enlighten us!  Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.”   We are called to be like a city built upon a hilltop and cannot be hidden. 

May our Lord grant us the grace to See the radiance of God, Experience the radiance of God and to Become the radiance of God.  Amen! 

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