100-palm sunday

Sunday Sermon Summary – Dec 10 2023

Posted on: December 13th, 2023 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Dec 10th Sunday Sermon notes: The Forerunners of the Advent

Isaiah 40: 2-9,  Mark 1: 1-8

The forerunner of the first advent was John the Baptist. The forerunner of the second Advent is the bride of Christ, the Church.

1.  The Person  
John, who is the forerunner of the first Advent was in the wilderness. He wore camel’s skin. He ate locusts and wild honey; but the forerunner of the second advent, the church lives within the community. We live among the people, we live as normal people who are set apart to live for Christ.
The first advent had one forerunner; the second advent has a host of people to prepare the way of the Lord.

2.  The Preaching
John the Baptist preached in the wilderness and people went to him confessing their sins. He baptized them and said that the one coming after him was greater than him. He also said, “I baptize you with water; but the one coming after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Today, the church preaches that God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.  The church preaches the second return of Christ.  We preach the new life that we receive when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.  

3.  The Period

John’s Ministry lasted over two years, the Church’s ministry has lasted for over 2000 years and will continue until the second Advent.  The church is the forerunner of the second advent.  Matthew 24:12 Jesus said that the good news will be preached to all people in every nation as a testimony and then the end will come.  The forerunner of the first advent had an abrupt, sad ending.   But the forerunner of the second advent, the Church will have a glorious consummation when Jesus Christ descends with glory. 

May our Lord enable us to move on in faith until Christ returns in glory.  Amen! ்

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