Pastoral Epistle – February 8, 2023
Beloved Congregation,Greetings in Jesus!
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:20-21A wonderful invitation to be an overcomer. God invites us to overcome evil with good.
Bible Study and Prayer: This evening at 7.30 pm. Do all you can to join on Zoom.
Annual Vestry: This year our Vestry meeting will be in church on Sunday, February 26th following our service. Prayer for victims of earthquake: Please intercede for the victims in Syria. Many are without food and shelter in the cold. World Day of Prayer: We have resumed the prayer day after the pandemic. As usual, the world day of prayer will be on Saturday, March 4th. Please plan to attend. Venue: Clairlea Presbyterian Church, Scarborough. Time: 1.00 to 2.00 pm. YouTube Stream links for Sunday Worship Service: or
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings.
E-transfer your Contributions to :
You can also contribute at:
Birthdays this week :
Tina George Feb 7
Ramya Merlyn Feb 7
Leah Cyril Feb 11
Martin Walkes Feb 11
Anniversary coming up: Arun Benjamin Charles and Elizabeth Serena Feb 12
May our Lord continue to help us to overcome evil with good. Regards and blessings,
The Rev’d Dr. Irwin Sikha
Cell : 416-908-5686