It’s not too late to participate in ‘Thy Kingdom Come’
Anglicans across the world are being invited and encouraged to join in a Spirit of prayer as part of an international prayer initiative called Thy Kingdom Come, marking the 10 days between Ascension day and the Feast of Pentecost. If you haven’t already started, you still have several days to do so.
In his weekly missive Bishop Andrew writes “While we always have the privilege of coming to God in prayer, during these months of global pandemic and self-isolation we have a wonderful opportunity to be focused on our spiritual lives.

In prayer, we can uphold all those in grave need: the sick, the dying, the vulnerable, the carers, the lonely, and the anxious. But the primary purpose of Thy Kingdom Come is to pray for those who do not know the comfort and grace that can be found in Jesus Christ.
Prayer is the most effective tool of evangelism – in quarantine or at any time. And there is no better time for fervent prayer than right now.Your participation can be as simple, and powerful, as committing to pray for five people over the ten days, that they would come to know the love of Christ.”
A great list of resources to help you pray can be found on the website including videos, prayers, podcasts and special activities for children and families.
This past Sunday we celebrated the Ascension as we gather together. And as we gathered we continued to look at the work being done in our diocese through FaithWorks to reach out to those in great need at this time.
We are not called to live for ourselves alone but are called to love others and given the great commission to make God’s love known in the world.
In the words of Bishop Andrew “May God’s Holy Spirit come upon us all in new and enriching ways, infusing us with God’s grace as we live and move and have our being in Christ Jesus.”
I invite you to join with me in prayer and I look forward to worshipping with you on Pentecost this Sunday.