A glimpse into Good Shepherd Sunday
This Sunday we are celebrating Good Shepherd Sunday remembering Jesus as our leader and shepherd who cares for us and leads us.
As we enter into yet another week of quarantine we will be exploring this week how Jesus is not only the good shepherd but also the gate to protect us and bring us life.

Children are welcome to explore Jesus as the good Shepherd this with Malini’s Sunday school lesson on this topic: The Good Shepherd.
Going forward we will be trying to provide the children’s lesson prior to Sunday so that our children are familiar with the lesson of the day as it is read and spoken of on Sundays.
During this season of Eastertide we have also been reading from the first letter of Peter – and starting on Wednesday we will dive into this letter more fully and look to how Peter helped to try to lead and shepherd the new community of Christians in the first century and what lessons this still holds for us today. Please plan on joining us this coming Wednesday evening at 7:30pm.
Please join us for worship and stick around if you are able to say hi at the coffee hour.
Jennifer +