100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

We can bridge the physical distance

Posted on: March 28th, 2020 by St. Bede Anglican Church

This week I was reminded in an article by Biblical preaching professor Joy Moore that this is not the first time in church history where the people of God have not been able to gather publicly.  She writes: 

“We are the church who gather for corporate worship and scatter for service in the spheres of influence God affords us. Like ancient Israel shifting to synagogues when the Temple was destroyed, our worship of God is not limited to a building or space. Like the first disciples of Christ shifting their gatherings to secret places, the people of God continue to worship in Spirit though the venue may change. This time of physical distancing is an act of caring for our neighbor as we continue to acknowledge our dependence on the Creator of the Universe.”

Our faith is and always has been a faith that seeks to serve others, our lives of worship gather us together to strengthen us for this purpose.  Though we will not meet together in our physical church Plan on joining us Sunday at 10:30am for a service of common worship via our youtube channel – stbedesanglican.

After the service there will be a virtual coffee hour –  one for adults and one for kids on Zoom.  Links to join in will be in the Youtube description.  

For those of you who are still able –  I ask you to consider your faithful contributions to the church even during this time of closure.  

Financial gifts will still be received online through the secure Canada Helps account at: www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/st-bedes-church/

 Or via e-transfer directed to cw-stbede@toronto.anglican.ca. No password is needed.  

Teesdale foodbank As you will see from the email sent by Tina our Outreach Coordinator we are also asking those who are able to consider making a financial donation to the Teesdale foodbank serving those in need in our community.  They need our help now more than ever.  If you would like to donate, please email transfer to Bede’s Canada Works account at cw-stbede@toronto.anglican.ca with a note “Food Bank” before Palm Sunday, 5th of April. 
We continue to study the book of Matthew as a parish and we will be having a zoom Bible study Wednesday night.  The link will be posted on the parish website and sent out in the announcements. 
Also plans are underway to create a parish phone tree to ensure that every member of our parish is connected and well cared for during this unprecedented time.  More information about this to come early next week. 
Thank you all for your prayers and continuing your faith.  God is with us, God will provide for us, so let us now then turn to the Lord, trusting in God’s unfailing mercy.
I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday via Zoom! 
Jennifer + 

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