100-palm sunday

Pastoral Epistle – August 18, 2021

Posted on: August 24th, 2021 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Beloved congregation,

Greetings in Jesus!

“Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” – Psalms‬ ‭124:8‬ ‭

I am glad to be back after a refreshing vacation. Thanks to those who remembered me and my family in prayer.
Our heartfelt thanks to Rev. Harold Shepherd and Rev. Ravi Kalison who ministered in my absence. Our Lord’s blessings be on them and their loved ones. 

As we continue our in person service I encourage everyone who is able to come to the Sanctuary to worship the Lord and to participate at the Lord’s table.Here is the Eventbrite registration link to register for in person service :https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/the-church-of-st-bede-anglican-31078840607
Virtual service is only for convenience.  It cannot substitute in person service.If you are unable to join in person, please find the Zoom details for our Sunday service.

Meeting ID: 977 5396 5288  
Passcode: 749549  

YouTube Stream: 
https://youtu.be/dYwx2bSU-vY or http://stbedesanglican.ca/worship-videos/

Please feel free to forward this link to friends who can be blessed at St. Bede’s.

Children’s coffee hour:
Meeting ID: 825 4364 5586  
Passcode: 782624 
Please continue to pray for God’s guidance as we move forward to build His Kingdom at St. Bede’s.

Pray for the nations :

  • Please remember to pray for peace in Afghanistan.  Especially remember the Christian community there and the vulnerable people who live in fear and uncertainty.
  • We are privileged to live in a peaceful nation.  Please pray fervently for the upcoming Federal elections in Canada.
  • Remember the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti last weekend. We pray that aid will reach those affected and the Lord will comfort those who have lost their loved ones.
  • We also pray for Greece as the Country faces the disaster of unprecedented wildfires outside Athens.

We see the signs of the last days as recorded in the Holy Bible. So let us be fervent in seeking God and His grace. 
We are reminded that our help is in the name of our Lord, who made heaven and the earth. So let us continue to pray as we look upon Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need prayer or any spiritual guidance.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at church this Sunday.
May Our Lord’s grace continue on you.
Regards and blessings

The Rev’d  Dr. Irwin Sikha

Cell : 416-908-5686

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