100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Youth and Young Adults

St. Bede’s Youth and Young Adults Ministry started in 2021.

The youth meet in-person every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, during the 10:30am Sunday Services.

The Youth volunteer as a crucifer, help in the Sunday school and Altar guild.  They are getting trained to do praise and worship.

The curriculum we follow for our youth is the Grow curriculum.

This important St. Bede’s Ministry is committed to the reality that young people are an important and integral part of our church community. The ministry seeks to foster the maturing of faith in the youth of our church and the surrounding community.

Youth ages 11-15 years and young adults in the age of 16 – 20 are invited to join St. Beds’s youth/young adults group for a time of fellowship, prayer, games, and conversation on topics of interest to the group.

Please encourage your children to join to have fun, learn more about our faith, serve our church and make new friends.