100-palm sunday

We give thanks to the Lord and are thankful for our wonderful nation CANADA!!

We give thanks to the Lord for His goodness towards us. We are thankful for our wonderful nation CANADA!!

We celebrate 153 years!!!

Canada Day (French: Fête du Canada) Originally called “Dominion Day,” It commemorates the unification of the three North American British colonies: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Canada (which consisted of Ontario and Quebec).

On July 1, 1867, the British North America Act formally joined the colonies, creating the unified, semi-independent Dominion of Canada. Essentially, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain.

In 1982, Canada became fully independent. Since 1983, July 1 has been known as “Canada Day.”

Since 1867, Canada has grown to include six more provinces and three territories—the most recent being the territory of Nunavut in 1999. The country is now made up of 13 provinces and territories.

We are thankful for our great land of freedom and democracy.

As we celebrate Canada day tomorrow we acknowledge and are deeply grateful for this wonderful country that we live in, at the same time acknowledging the indigenous communities and immense weight and challenges that they face, particularly around the residential schools.

We acknowledge the diverse and abundant gifts of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples. We recognize that their knowledge and wisdom have benefited generations past and present, and that this blessing will continue for generations to come. We remember the many who are committed to the healing of family, community, and nations.

Even as we continue to learn together about the Truth, we pray for peace and reconciliation. Today we renew our pledge to support and help in every way possible to make our nation great.

O Canada!! Our home and native land!! True Patriot love in all of command!!!