100-palm sunday
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Posts Tagged ‘coronavirus’

Changes to in-person 10:30 Sunday services amid COVID-19

Posted on: March 14th, 2020 by St. Bede Anglican Church

These are unprecedented times, with new directives for public health and safety changing almost hourly in regards to COVID-19.   As the Church we are called upon to respond with wisdom, grace, and faith. Here is an overview of key changes you can expect: This is the overview of St. Bede Sunday services in light […]

Grace and mercy in challenging times

Posted on: March 13th, 2020 by St. Bede Anglican Church

What a week!  As you are all aware, The World Health Organisation has now named the Covid-19 outbreak as a global pandemic.  I pray everyone is well and is managing in the face the of many new directives  given for public safety.  I know that this will cause many challenges in the weeks ahead and pray that we are able […]