100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Notes – Sept 10 2023

Our Strongholds of Faith 

Matthew 18: 15-20

1. Reconcile : Matthew 18: 15-17

In this passage and in chapter 16, Jesus spoke about the Church.  It would have been a new concept to the disciples who only knew the temple at Jerusalem as the place of worship. 

Jesus said, if a member in the church offends you; go to him personally and tell him his fault. 

Satan always tries to divide and rule.  He tries to bring an enmity between brethren.  

Jesus commands that if anyone offends us, we must go to the person and explain his offence and do everything we can for reconciliation.  

2.  Reshape :  Matthew 18: 18

Following our reconciliation with our brethren we must reshape ourselves by the authority given to us by our Lord.   Jesus said it twice that what we, God’s people bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.  The church has the authority from God to bind and to loosen things in heaven by praying fervently.  The second strong hold of faith is Reshaping our situations by praying in the spirit. 

3.  Remain : Matthew 18: 19,20

The third stronghold Jesus mentioned is to remain in unity  and oneness of mind.  Jesus promised that where two or three are gathered in His name and agree in spirit.  God will grant their request because Jesus himself will be in the midst of them. 

Jesus has given us this privilege; we must exercise it by coming together in unity of mind and praying fervently.  God’s people must gather together with one mind and agree on what we pray for and it will be granted to us. 

These are the three Strongholds of Faith in the passage we have mediated today 

 May our Lord help us to be strong in Him and witness the power of God in our lives.  
