100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Lent Epistle – Feb 18 2021

Beloved Congregation,

As we begin our lent season for this year, I just want to send this epistle so that we can follow meaningful days as we wait in God’s presence and seek him diligently to be closer to him and be transformed into the image of Christ.

 I’m sending the Ash wednesday Homily slides so you can re-visit the points that we meditated on yesterday. 

We saw three aspects of life in our Homily. 

1. Fasting – Physical aspect 

2. Prayer – Spiritual aspect

3. Giving Alms – Social aspect

We first saw that fasting is not just giving up a meal but to refrain from anything and give it as a sweet sacrifice unto the Lord. Please think of what you can give up in these 40 days and give that time to our Lord. The Lord who sees you in secret will reward you openly

Secondly, we were reminded about prayer,  to wait in God’s presence to hear from him and to read His word.  The Lord who sees you in secret will reward you openly

Finally giving to the needy. As I mentioned, it is not only giving something physical or monetary but even if we are to reach out to someone to say a word of encouragement or pray for them it is a blessing. Again the Lord who sees you in secret will reward you openly

Please go through the slides attached and may this lent season bless you and make you a blessing to others.

Please join our Special Lent Services every Wednesday at 7.30 pm. You will be blessed. 

Regards and Blessings

Your Pastor

The Rev’d  Dr. Irwin Sikha

Cell : 416-908-5686