100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Choir & Worship

Photos from 1999 to 2024

The Choir at St Bede’s is blessed with a committed and talented group of singers. We are a mixed voice choir singing both traditional and modern contemporary music. 

2020 has been a challenging year for all of us, but especially for our choir. Singing as a group was severely curtailed due to the pandemic. The choir came together in an amazing way to keep singing for His glory. Choir rehearsals were moved to a virtual setting via zoom and we continued to practice and perform through the pandemic. We praise God for his grace in keeping the group together and our voices in form, in spite of restrictions.

We leveraged technology to record a few songs virtually. These were featured in our online Services.

The highlight of the year, as usual, was the Annual Cantata – which was also an online event. There was intense activity preceding this, including rehearsing, remotely recording each voice and creating and putting together videos. A big thank you to our Tech people who got this all done in record time. The event was well received.

The choir now rehearses on Saturday afternoons on Zoom, but God willing will move back to a in person format sometime during 2021. Choir rehearsals run in two seasons – the first between Jan and May and the second from Sep to Dec. 

Worship Team:

Our Worship team leads a time of Praise and Worship during every service. We are blessed to have a group of committed worship leaders backed up by a talented group of musicians. The music selections are contemporary and the worship leaders adapt them to suit our congregation. 

In spite of the pandemic, the worship continued to produce worship videos either pre-recorded or live. This involved a lot of coordination. Special thanks to our Worship Coordinator Agatha Kennedy, our worship leaders – Sangeetha, Shirley, Agatha and James and our musicians Sandra, Prem Anand, Spurgeon and Steve.

As we enter a New Year, we are always looking for new members. Please join us in glorifying our God in song.

Samson Davis

Choir Director