Sunday Sermon Summary – Jan 12 2025
Jesus, our high priest and sacrifice
Luke 3: 15-17, 21, 22
This week we have begun to meditate on the Epiphany of Christ. Jesus began his public ministry by first getting baptized by John the Baptist. At His baptism Jesus revealed himself as the perfect high priest and the sacrificial lamb without blemish.
1. He prayed
Luke 3: 21
Jesus actually didn’t have to pray because He is one with the Father. Yet, Jesus prayed frequently. At the tomb of Lazarus Jesus prayed to the Father and in His prayer, Jesus said that He was praying not for himself but for those who were listening. Jesus also prayed in the garden of Gethsemane and lastly, He prayed desperately while He was hanging on the cross. He prayed saying, “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?” Jesus prayed so that we could know that God answers prayers. He listens when His people pray to Him.
2. The Holy Spirit came down on him
Luke 3: 22
The Bible continues to say that as Jesus prayed, the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form of a dove. Jesus didn’t have to be filled with the Holy Spirit because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He is the second person of the Trinity. Therefore, the Holy Spirit came on Him in the form of a dove. But the Holy Spirit came upon humans on the day of Pentecost in the form of fire of cloven tongues. God cleanses His people as He fills them. The more we allow God to take control of us; the more He will cleanse us and use us for His glory.
3. A voice of witness was heard
Luke 3: 22
Soon after Jesus came up from the water of Baptism, a voice from heaven was heard testifying that God was well pleased with him. Our faithful lives will lead us to the glorious day when at the voice of Christ every tomb will open everyone will hear His voice. When we see Jesus’ face to face it will be glorious to hear his voice say, “Well done you good and faithful servant”.
Jesus was ordained before the world was created to be the High priest and the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world. In Him we have eternal life. May God enable us to follow him faithfully. Amen