100-palm sunday

Sunday Sermon Summary – Oct 13 2024

Posted on: October 15th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Sermon Summary, Thanksgiving Sunday, October 13, 2024

The glory of Eternal Life 

Mark 10: 17-27

This passage is about a rich young ruler who knelt before Jesus and asked him what he should do to have eternal life.  Jesus loved him and gave him the formula for eternal life. 

1.  It is beyond we can attain 

Mark 10: 18

Jesus addressed himself as man, not God. Jesus points out that he left all his eternal glory and splendour and came down as a human being. It costed God to become man in order to deliver us from the sin of Adam. Jesus became the second Adam to make atonement for our sins. Jesus taught him that eternal life is beyond anything we imagine. We can never earn it. It costed God his only begotten Son. 

2. It is beyond all good works 

Mark 10: 19, 20

Jesus continued to teach the rich young ruler that following all the rules is not good enough to enter eternal life.  All have sinned! All of us have fallen into sin through Adam.  That is why Jesus came as the second Adam, without sin. Jesus asked his adversaries if any of them could convict him of sin. He was without sin so that he could be the only one to make atonement for us.  Jesus has defined the commandments in the Gospel according to Matthew.  Jesus taught us that even a look with lust is adultery and hate towards a brother or sister is murder.  Therefore no one can be righteous enough to attain eternal life. It is only through the sinless blood of Jesus.  

3. It is beyond anything we can possess 

  Mark 10: 21

The Bible teaches that Jesus loved him and so he told him to go and sell all that he had, take up his cross and follow Jesus.  This saying saddened the rich young ruler.  So he walked away from Jesus. Eternal life is way more precious than all we possess. Nothing we possess can ever be compared with eternal life.  Everything we have is only temporary.  Eternal life is far more precious and glorious. 2 Corinthians chapter three explains the glory of eternal life.  

On this thanksgiving Sunday we reflect on the blessing of eternal life. We are immensely thankful for eternal life earned by God for us. 

May God help us to be thankful for all we have received. Amen!

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