Pastoral Epistle – Aug 15 2024
Pastoral Epistle, August 15, 2024
Beloved Congregation,
Greetings in Jesus!
“I am the bread of life.” John 6:48
Last Sunday we mediated on the Centrality of Jesus Christ in reference to His claim that He is the Bread of life, the Bread from heaven and the living Bread.
If we have Jesus, we are complete in every aspect of life. We can live in abundance of life.
Church in the Park this Sunday: August 18th we will begin at 10.30 AM.
Venue: Regents Park, 115, Westbourne Avenue, Scarborough ON.
We will worship the Lord singing songs and meditating on His word. We will enjoy Potluck lunch and wonderful fellowship. So please remember to bring food. You can contact our hospitality coordinator, Elizabeth Serena (647-567-4082) if you have questions or suggestions. Please remember to bring your chairs and if anyone has Gazebo please bring. Pray for favourable weather and for God’s abundant blessings. In case we have rain, we can move to the church and have our potluck in the basement.
This Sunday we will not have Holy Eucharist.
Centenary concluding Service: Our final celebration of our Centenary will be on Saturday, October 19th at 6.00 pm. Please pray for God’s guidance as we plan for this wonderful event.
Non perishable Food: Thank you to everyone who has been donating non perishable food items. I want to encourage you to kindly continue to donate to support the needs of needy families.
Youtube stream links.
This Sunday, since we have service in the park, we don’t have any YouTube Stream link.
Past and Present Videos can be accessed through the below link
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings.
E-transfer your Contributions to:
We are thankful to every parishioner who has been faithful in sending in their tithes and offerings.
Birthdays :
Shiela Ford Aug 20
Premala Vinodkumar Aug 20
Anniversaries :
Jayachandran Solomon and Angela Viji Jayachandran Aug 19
Charles Paul Jayaprasath and Aretha Arun Nehemiah Aug 22
Spurgeon Devanburaj and Agatha Kennedy Aug 24
Sunday Sermon Summary is also posted.
Jesus has revealed himself to us as the Bread of Life. So we can trust him for everything. Since he is our only hope; we faithfully follow his guidance.
Regards and blessings,