Sunday Sermon Summary – May 12 2024
The mother heart of our Lord who Intercedes for us
John 17: 20-22
The Lord knew that it was time for His betrayal and crucifixion; but He prayed fervently for His disciples. After praying for His disciples, He prayed specially for everyone who will believe in Him.
1. Jesus Intercedes for everyone who will believe the Gospel
John 17: 20
Jesus remembered every single person who will believe in Him through the Gospel that will be preached by the disciples. Soon after praying for his disciples, Jesus prayed for us. Every believer has a place in Jesus. Each one of us is precious in His sight. Experiencing the love of Jesus is the greatest thing we can enjoy in this life. Jesus displayed such love that transcends the love of a mother.
2. Jesus Intercedes that we will be one. John 17: 21
In verse 21 Jesus prayed that we, His followers will be one as Jesus Christ is one with the Father. Our greatest strength is to be one and our greatest weakness is to be divided. Satan always tries to divide God’s people. Beginning with the early church, God’s people failed when they were divided. The Church is called to be united and be one just as Jesus is one with the Father where there is no conflict. We need oneness in our homes. We must be willing to bear the weakness of one another and live in harmony. Then the world will know that we are followers of Jesus Christ.
3. Jesus Intercedes that we will experience His glory John 17: 22
The third thing Jesus said in prayer is that He shares His glory with His people. This is the greatest reward for a true follower of Jesus Christ. When the three disciples saw the glory of Jesus on the mount of transformation they could not bear His glory. They fell to the ground as dead. Jesus promises to share His glory with His people. Today we envisage Jesus as one who loves His people as a mother loves her children. His love surpasses everything else we can imagine. The outcome of His love is, we share in His glory. People may label us with many things but in Jesus we have glory. The apostles were unlearned men; but they demonstrated great courage and passion for the Gospel because, after the day of Pentecost, the apostles lived in the glory that they had received from Jesus Christ our Lord Amen!