100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – April 28 2024

Posted on: May 1st, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

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John 15: 1-8

On the same night that He was betrayed, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ spoke to eleven of the disciples and taught them that they must Abide in Him as branches abide in the Vine.  The word Abide is explained in many ways. We will see three ways that the word Abide is applied by Jesus.

1. Abide means:  Stay with me
John 15: 4
Jesus told His disciples that they must abide with Him.  He spoke of pruning the branches. Pruning is a painful process for the branches; but Jesus said, “Abide in Me”  Even when we go through painful situations, we are called to continue staying near Jesus.  As Job did when he was put to the test.  He lost all his children, he lost all his wealth and he lost all his health.  Nevertheless, in Job chapter 23 verses 10 & 11 Job said, “When I am tried I will come out as gold”.  He also added that he will remain in the statutes of God.  We are invited to stay with Jesus. 

2. Abide means: Stay in me
John 15: 5

Jesus continued with His teaching on Abiding in Him. He said, “Without me you can do nothing as the branches cannot yield fruit unless it abides in the Vine”.  Abiding in Jesus is to stay in Jesus.  Jesus even compared it with Him being one with the Father.  Jesus said that if we Abide in Him, we will yield much fruit.  Our Lord wants us to be very fruitful to Him.  Our lives must reflect God’s power to others.  Our Lord is the Vine and we are His branches.  We need God’s help in everything we do.  We must be constantly aware of our dependence on our Saviour.  We are called to bear much fruit that will bring glory to our Lord. 

3.  Abide means: Stay fully in me

John 15:7

Abide in Jesus will mean Staying Fully in Christ.  When we commit to staying fully in Jesus; then all our priorities will be such that pleases God. We will only think of living for the glory of God.  Even our prayers will be pleasing to God.   Our Lord has a great reward for those who abide in Him fully.  He said that if we abide in Him, we will receive what we ask.  This is a great blessing.  We will be led by God’s Holy Spirit.  We will be fully immersed in God’s presence like a cup that is immersed in the sea.  It will always be filled however it is tossed. 

May our Lord help us to Abide in Jesus so that Jesus can abide in us.  Then we will bear fruit, we will bear much fruit and we will receive what we ask in prayer.  Amen 

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