100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – April 21 2024

Posted on: April 24th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church


John 10: 11-18

1. The Good Shepherd 

John 10:11, 14 – Saviour 

The Lord addressed himself as the Good Shepherd. He also explained why he is the good shepherd. He is the good shepherd because he laid down his life for his sheep.  Jesus said that nobody can take his life. He willingly lays it down for his people. David’s testimony is, “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.”  Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “No body can take my life, I lay it down; I received this commandment from my Father.”  John 10: 18 

2.  The Great Shepherd 

Hebrews 13:20 – Strong 

Our Lord is called the Great Shepherd in the above verse.  He is great because He is mighty to save His people.  Our Lord, being the Good Shepherd has cleansed us from all unrighteousness; but He also keeps us from falling.  He keeps us safe when we face adversity.  He fights our battles for us. Psalm 3 verse three onwards declares David’s trust in God. He says that he will sleep restfully, and God will take care of him. He will not be afraid of thousands of people who gather around him. In psalm 23, David says that God will prepare a table before him in the presence of his enemies.  

3.  The Chief Shepherd 

1 Peter 5:4 – Sovereign

Jesus is also the Chief Shepherd.  He leads His sheep every day and then he will take them to His home.  In John 14: 1, 2 Jesus said, “In my Father’s home there are many mansions.. I will come again to take you that you may be where I am.” 

The shepherd David said, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”  Our chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ has prepared a place for us. It is a place of glory.  We will live eternally with Him in glory.  That is God’s purpose for all His people. 


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