Pastoral Epistle – Jan 31, 2024
Beloved Congregation,
Greetings in Jesus!
May you be blessed by the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Psalms 115:15
Last Sunday our youth led Praise and Worship so wonderfully! We are thankful to our leaders who have been training our youth to bring out their best to the glory of God.
Our youth also had a memorable time at the Escape Room. It was a new experience for most of them. Thank you, Nikitha for organizing a suitable day out for our youth.
Bible Study on the Pentateuch will be this evening at 7.30 pm on Zoom. Please join and be blessed.
Meeting ID : 899 6545 4966
Passcode : 124565
Ash Wednesday in person service will be on February 14th at 7.30 pm. It is a solemn occasion to prepare ourselves to draw closer to God.
Annual Vestry Meeting: Please pray for our leaders as we prepare for our upcoming vestry meeting. If you feel led to be part of the leadership team for this year, please let me know.
Confirmation Service: We will have a joyous Confirmation Service on Sunday, June 16th when bishop Andrew Asbil joins us as celebrant as part of our Centenary celebrations. If you know anyone who needs confirmation kindly let me know.
Youtube stream links.
Sunday Feb 04 2024, 10:30am
Past and Present Videos can be accessed through the below link
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings. Thank you to everyone who contributes regularly for the ministry of God.
E-transfer your Contributions to:
Birthdays this week coming up:
James Pothirajulu Jan 30
Tina George Feb 7
Ramya Merlyn Feb 7
Anniversaries :
Calvin Bell and Elizabeth Calvin Feb 1
Onnesimus Samprabh and Esther Grace Paul Feb 3
We are blessed by our God who is the maker of heaven and earth. May you continue to receive abundant blessings from our God as you faithfully follow Him.
Regards and blessings,