Pastoral Epistle – October 14, 2021
Beloved congregation,
Greetings in Jesus!
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”, Luke 12:32
Jesus always spoke about the kingdom. When He taught us to pray; He said, “Thy kingdom come”. Today the Lord calls us His little flock and says, “Do not be afraid “. We are called to be bold because our Father has pleasure in giving us the kingdom. So let us be strong in Jesus and work for His kingdom.
We had a blessed Thanksgiving Sunday Service with the baptism of little Emmanuel Pradeep. All glory and honour to our Lord.
Bishop’s Company Cabaret: This Friday, October 15th 8.00 pm onwards. Registration is free. For further details please see the website. Our diocese encourages everyone to join.
Fifth Sunday: October 31st is the fifth Sunday. I invite you to participate with songs and testimonies. Please give your name at the earliest.
Harvest Festival: We are planning our favorite Harvest Festival for Saturday, November 6th at 7.30 pm. Look forward for further details.
Pre-registration link to attend in person service. Please Pre Register here for this Sunday’s Worship Service:
Here is the zoom link for our Sunday service: Please share it to a few friends and invite them to church.
Meeting ID: 977 5396 5288
Passcode: 749549
YouTube Stream links: or
When you notice someone newly visiting, please reach out to them and make them feel welcome. Our church is inclusive, multicultural and friendly. We love the Lord and His people.
Continue praying for deliverance from this pandemic.
Thanksgiving Sunday sermon slides are also attached.
Our Lord’s blessings be with you and your loved ones.
The Rev’d Dr. Irwin Sikha
Cell : 416-908-5686