100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – March 09 2025

Posted on: March 11th, 2025 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Why was Jesus tempted

Luke 4: 1-13

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was led to the wilderness soon after his baptism by the Holy Spirit to fast for forty days and then be tempted by Satan. Today we will see a few reasons why Jesus was put to this temptation. 

1. To destroy the works of the Devil 

1 John 3:8

The above scripture verse reveals that Jesus came to the world to destroy the works of the Devil. Satan, who was the son of the morning, Lucifer brought death to humanity by tempting Eve and Adam to sin.  So, the whole human race has been tarnished by sinful nature.  Jesus is the predestined incarnate Son of God even before the world was created.  The Holy Bible says that he came to destroy the works of the Devil that we may escape hell and be destined for heaven. Jesus allowed himself to be tempted to prove he is the Saviour of the world who will destroy the works of the Devil. 

2. To defend His saints 

Hebrews 4:15

The second reason why Jesus was tempted is so that he will empathize with his saints who are victims to sin.  This verse tells us that Jesus is a high priest who was tempted in every way as we are and was sunless; so, we can boldly approach God. God will never condemn His people. He will convict us through His Holy Spirit when we sin. He will defend us and enable us to continue our holy lives. Jesus knows our every weakness and he will help us in our weakness. 

3. To deliver His followers 

Hebrews 2:18

Jesus was tempted to deliver us from the power of Satan. The Bible teaches us that Jesus was tempted and suffered and so he is able help us who are tempted.  Satan will constantly try to condemn us when we commit sin; but God will convict us and help us to overcome sin.  We have victory in the name of Jesus. We live vicariously not because we are holy; but because Jesus has conquered Satan on our behalf. We are covered by the blood of Jesus and we have the privilege of living vicariously.  

1 Corinthians 10:13 There is no temptation that is uncommon that we face. God is faithful and he will make a way for us to escape the temptation. 

Matthew 6:13  Jesus taught us to pray that we will not be led into temptation but be delivered from evil 


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