100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – Feb 09 2025

Posted on: February 11th, 2025 by St. Bede Anglican Church


Luke 5, Matthew 17, John 21

In our sermon today we will meditate on the three times that Peter went fishing. We learn some important lessons from the three experiences Peter had when he went fishing. 


Luke 5: 9-11

The first time Peter went fishing in the Bible is when he fished all night but was unable to catch anything. In the morning Jesus sat in Peter’s boat and preached to a big crowd who came to listen to him. After preaching Jesus asked Peter to cast his net again. Peter obeyed and he caught a lot of fish. The Bible says that Peter was amazed when he saw the big catch; but Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid from now on you will be a fisher of people.  Jesus had foreordained Peter for a great purpose. When we go through disappointments, we must know that God is preparing us for a greater purpose. 


Matthew 17: 24-27

This is the second time Peter went fishing. This time Jesus sent him to fish to pay tax for himself and for Jesus. Jesus told Peter to pay the taxes that they don’t offend their adversaries.  God teaches us that we must avoid offending people. It is easy to offend those around us.  In Matthew 18: 7-9 Jesus said that it is offences do happen; but woe to those who cause offences.  It is virtuous to keep ourselves from offending.  Jesus taught us to show forbearance in all situations that people will see that we live differently from others. 


John 21: 15

This was the third time Jesus showed himself to his disciples after his resurrection.  One day Peter told others that he was going fishing. Six others agreed to go with him.  They fished all night but caught no fishes.  Early in the morning Jesus stood on the shore and asked if they had caught anything. Pater replied, “No.”.  Soon they knew that it was Jesus. Jesus asked them to throw the net on the other side.  They obeyed and caught 153 large fishes. When they came to the shore.  Jesus asked Peter, “Peter, do you love me more than these?”  Jesus asked him this question three times. Peter was saddened and he said, “Lord, you know all things and you know that I love you.”  

Jesus calls his faithful followers to forsake anything that will come in between us and God. 

May God help us to realize that we are foreordained for a great purpose, to realize to forbear and to be willing to forsake anything to be pleasing to God 


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