100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – Feb 02 2025

Posted on: February 5th, 2025 by St. Bede Anglican Church

An Encounter with Jesus 

Luke 2: 22-40

Forty days after his birth, Jesus was taken to the temple in Jerusalem to offer sacrifices according to the law of God.  In the temple, Simeon and Anna had an encounter with baby Jesus and they spontaneously spoke. 


1. Simeon Praised God 

Luke 2: 28-32

The Bible says that Simeon went into the temple by the unction of the Holy Spirit and as soon as he saw Jesus, he recognized him as the Saviour of the world. He praised God that he had the privilege of seeing God’s provision for our salvation. He said that now he was ready to die in peace. 

When we have an encounter with Jesus, the first thing that happens is praise. Praise that is spontaneous. Praise is a powerful experience that leads us deeper into God’s holy presence. 


2. Simeon Prophesied about Jesus

Luke 2: 34-35

After Simeon praised God for the revelation that was given to him; he prophesied to Mary and Joseph. He informed them what it meant to be the parents of the Christ. He foretold what lies many years ahead. 

When we have a renewed encounter with Jesus, we will be filled with the spirit of prophecy. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Revelations 19:10).  God will guide your path. You will know God’s will in every step of your life. You will speak from the annals of God to people and everyone around you will know that God is with you. 


3.  Anna spoke to everyone about Jesus  

Luke 2:38

After Simeon had spoken to the parents of Jesus, an eighty-four-year-old lady came into the temple by the unction of the Holy Spirit.  She was an early widow and spent many years in temple fasting and praying. When she encountered Jesus, she at once knew that he was the long-expected messiah. The Holy Bible says that she went around telling people about Jesus. When we have an encounter with Jesus, we will be so invigorated that we will speak of God’s goodness to people without hesitation. Nothing will stop us from proclaiming the good news of salvation.  God invites us to have a renewed encounter with him. So that we will be filled with praise, with prophesying and with proclaiming the Gospel.  Amen 

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