100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – Jan 26 2025

Posted on: January 29th, 2025 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Expressions of gratitude
Nehemiah 8 : 1-3, 5-6, 8-10

After Nehemiah and Ezra returned to Jerusalem and repaired the walls of Jerusalem, they organized a grand celebration to thank God for His grace on the Israelites.  

1. RETURN TO GOD – Keeps us holy
Attentive to the book of the law
Nehemiah 8: 3

During the celebration the important thing they did was to read the law of the Lord to all the people, the young and the old.  Our greatest expression of gratitude to God must be reading and understanding the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.  God invites His people to express their gratitude by studying His Word. When we have a life pattern of studying God’s Word, we will be able to lead holy lives. Studying God’s Word helps us to be holy. 

2. RETURN TO WORSHIP – keeps us hopeful
Bless the Name of the Lord
Nehemiah 8: 6

The second thing the Israelites did was to worship God.  Scripture says that when they heard the law of the Lord all the people bowed down and worshiped God. So another expression of gratitude for blessings received is, Worship.  Celebrating for who God is and what we are in Him is worship. Whenever we receive God’s blessing and grace, we must express our gratitude by worshipping God in spirit and in truth. When we continue in fervent worship, we will continue to be hopeful in the midst of all challenges. Worship helps us to be hopeful at all times.  A good example from the Bible is the life of Job who, when he lost his children, his wealth, health and even the love of his wife, he said, “God gave, God took, blessed be the name of the Lord”. Worship gives hope even at our worst times. 

Rejoice with celebration
Nehemiah 8: 10

Finally, we read that the people began to cry profusely. They remembered the golden days when Israel was the most powerful nation on earth.  When Nehemiah and Ezra saw them weeping, they told them to stop weeping. They told them that everyone must rejoice and celebrate.  They also said that the joy of the Lord is their strength.  The best way to express our gratitude to God is to celebrate. A very good example from the Bible is found in Luke chapter fifteen when the prodigal son returned to his father, his father was not mad at him. He rejoiced and made a great celebration. We express our gratitude to God when we celebrate before Him. Celebrating makes us happy. 

May God help us to always express our gratitude by studying His Word, by worshiping Him in truth and celebrating in His presence.  Amen 

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