100-palm sunday

Sunday Sermon Summary – Sept 29 2024

Posted on: October 2nd, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

The glory of our calling 

John 1: 47-51

In the beginning of his ministry Jesus was choosing his disciples.  Jesus called Philip to follow him. Philip informed Nathaniel that he had seen the Messiah. Nathaniel objected to Philip’s claim. 

1. The Lord Searches

Come and see John 1: 46

Nathaniel said that no good can come out of Nazareth because the Messiah will be from Bethlehem.  Philip told him, “Come and see.”  God is looking for people who are thirsty for the truth. Nathaniel was thirsty for the truth and so he followed Philip to meet Jesus.  God invites us to study His Word, to wrestle with the Word, to discuss about passages of scripture that are difficult to understand.  God delights in such followers.  Followers who are curious about God.  

2.  The Lord Satisfies 

I saw you John 1: 48

Jesus satisfied Nathaniel by saying that he is a true Jew in whom there is no guile.  Jesus knows the inner most of our integrity.  People will always remember our shortcomings; but Jesus remembers our goodness.  The Holy Bible teaches us that God forgets our sins; but he will never forget our moments of integrity.  The times when we were tempted to sin; but decided to be holy, God sees those moments and will suitably satisfy us. Nathaniel was surprised when Jesus said such good things about him and asked him, “How do you know me?”  Jesus said that he saw him when he was sitting under the fig tree before Philip spoke with him.  Nathaniel was so excited, and he confessed that Jesus is the Messiah and king of Israel.  

3.  The Lord Sanctifies 

You shall see John 1: 51

Jesus rewarded Nathaniel with a blessing. He was sanctified with a special gift that he could see angels ascending and descending on the Son of man. Jesus rewards our integrity by giving each of us a special anointing. Every true follower of Jesus has a unique anointing that enables them to be special.  All our situations must propel us to be faithful to God.  When God sees our faithfulness, He will sanctify us with a special anointing that we will be special in God’s sight.  We need not copy anyone or try to imitate anyone. We just have to be true followers, and God will make things happen for us that will make us unique. God has engraved us in the hollow of His hand.  He will make something special out of our life that will bring him glory.  Amen!

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