100-palm sunday

Sunday Sermon Summary – Sept 22 2024

Posted on: September 24th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

 A call for Greatness 

Mark 9: 33-37

The above scriptural passage teaches that God wants us to be our greatest to the glory of His Name. The disciples were discussing among themselves who would be the greatest. Jesus followed up with their conversation and taught them how to be great. 

1. Jesus calls us to aspire for greatness  Mark 9: 33,34 

Jesus never chided his disciples for aspiring to be great. Jesus only wanted them to follow the right path that leads to greatness. God wants his followers to be great. The Bible teaches us that Jesus became poor that we may be rich 

(2 Corinthians 8:9) Jesus knew that each of the eleven of his disciples were going to be great for the glory of God. He was preparing them to become great. God wishes greatness for each of us. 

2. Jesus calls us to know how to achieve greatness  Mark 9: 35

The Lord taught something very different than we would expect.  In Matthew 20:20-26 Jesus taught his disciples how people in authority lord it over those under them and he said that it should not be like that among his disciples.  Jesus taught that his disciples must be servants to others.  Just as Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Jim Elliot who gave his life for the sake of the Gospel said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to win what he cannot lose.”  The goal is to be great in the eyes of God, not man.  

3.  Jesus calls us to accept His teaching on greatness  Mark 9: 36, 37

Jesus gave the disciples an astonishing demonstration. He took a child and set the child before them and said that they must accept a child in his name to be great in his kingdom. In Matthew 18:1-14 Jesus taught them that they must humble themselves like little children.  In those days children were not given any rights.  They were just living things until they became adults.  Jesus taught differently and ordered that children should be allowed to come to him.  Jesus blessed children and commanded that all his followers must be childlike. 

We are called to accept Jesus’ teachings on being great.  Amen!

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