100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – Sept 01 2024

Posted on: September 4th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Contemporary Christians 

Mark 7: 5-16

We constantly find ourselves in a controversial situation battling between being traditional and contemporary.  We are compelled by our society that to be accepted, we must always be contemporary.  Jesus teaches something different. 

1. Confused Christian 

Mark 7:5

We could find ourselves in a confused situation by peer pressure. The disciples of Jesus Christ were put into such a situation when they failed to follow the tradition of washing their hands before eating. Jesus, immediately came to their rescue and confronted the Pharisees and scribes who were accusing the disciples.  He pointed out that it is not the disciples but the Pharisees who were breaking the law of God. 

2.  Contradictory Christian 

Mark 7: 9

Jesus continued to explain how the Pharisees and Scribes taught people their own traditions that even perverted the law of God.  A true Christian will constantly find himself or herself in a similar situation of contradiction. Our Lord Jesus Christ has set an example for us to follow.  We understand that we are finite and that our understanding of God is limited.  We also know that our Lord is infinite, and we can boldly trust His Word even though we are unable to fully understand.  God is calling us to follow him faithfully even when we are unable to fully understand His infinite purpose.  The Holy Bible must always be our ultimate guide in all situations. 

3.  Committed Christian

Mark 7: 13

Our Lord Jesus Christ openly taught the multitude of people who were present at that time that what goes into a person’s mouth will not defile a person. On the contrary, what comes out of a person’s heart will defile a person.  Jesus clearly pointed out that his true followers will live by faith and will prove by example that they truthfully follow Jesus Christ. Our church services must reflect only Jesus Christ.  It is not about what we do; it is about what we are for Jesus.  We are reminded that the Church that is the body of Christ must preach the Word faithfully without diluting its teachings. 

May our Lord help us to be a church that glorifies God and walks in his ways diligently.  Amen! 

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