100-palm sunday

Sunday Sermon Summary – Aug 11 2024

Posted on: August 15th, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

In the above scripture passage Jesus spoke about himself as the Bread which is his flesh that he will give for the life of the world.  After his discourse many of his followers left him.

1.  Jesus the Bread of life
John 6: 48
The Centrality of Jesus Christ is expressed by Bread of Life.  Jesus is eternally the embodiment of life.  In him was life and that life was the light to humanity. (John 1:4) Jesus is life himself. He breathed life into the nostrils of Adam and he became a living person. Jesus is eternally living. All things have their livelihood in Jesus Christ. Jesus expressed himself as Bread…Bread of life.  Jesus is the very expression of life.  Knowing Jesus is knowing life. 

2.  Jesus the Bread from heaven
John 6: 50  

Jesus continued his claim that he is the Bread from heaven. The centrality of Jesus Christ is expressed by his coming down from heaven.  The Jews thought of Jesus as the son of Joseph and Mary; but Jesus declared that he is the Bread from heaven.  The eternal God, the second person of the Trinity became man.  He is the embodiment of life; but he came down from heaven to die a vicarious death on the cross. This is the ultimate expression of God’s love for us. There will always be a connection between heaven and earth because Jesus came down from heaven.  Nathaniel was given the privilege to have visions of angels ascending and descending from heaven.  

3.  Jesus the living Bread
John 6: 51

Their third expression Jesus made was Living Bread. Jesus said that because he lives we will live also. Jesus commanded the apostles to eat the bread and drink the wine in memory of his body and his blood.  Jesus who died once will never die again.  He gives new life. Jesus explained this truth to the Samaritan woman. He said that whoever drinks the water that he gives will be a living fountain in the person. In Jesus Christ we are complete because Jesus said that he came that we will have life and have it abundantly.  Jesus calls us to trust him for all our needs because he is able to meet all our needs.  Amen!

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