100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Sunday Sermon Summary – July 28 2024

Posted on: July 31st, 2024 by St. Bede Anglican Church

John 6: 1-14
The one miracle that is mentioned in all the four Gospels is the Feeding of the five thousand. This miracle is special because following this miracle Jesus taught the people profound truth. During the course of this miracle Jesus spoke three times. Let us meditate on the three statements made by Jesus.

1.  Perception
John 6: 5

The first statement Jesus made was asking his disciples how they could feed the thousands of people who had been listening to Jesus all day. Jesus knew what he was about to do; yet he asked how they could feed over 5,000 people. Our Lord puts us into situations that seem confusing; but we must know that our Lord always has solutions for all our challenges.  Following Jesus is to perceive that God’s ways are always higher than ours. 

1 Corinthians 2: 13 We connect spiritual things with spiritual things to see God beyond everything. 

2. Participation

John 6:10

The second time Jesus spoke, he commanded his disciples to seat all the people in order of fifties.  Jesus wanted his disciples to participate in this wonderful miracle he was about to perform. 

Amos 3:3 says: “Can two people walk together unless they agree?”  An important element of following Jesus is to agree with him and live on his terms, not ours.  In many situations we may not understand his plans because his plans are above as the skies.  But when we obey and follow faithfully, we will see how beautifully his plans unfold. Following Jesus means obeying him in every situation. 

3.  Prudence

John 6: 12

The third time Jesus spoke was soon after 5,000 people had been fed to their heart’s content. Jesus commanded that all the leftovers to be collected. He said that nothing of the leftovers must be thrown away.  Jesus performed this great miracle to teach the thousands that Jesus himself is the bread of life.  Receiving temporal blessings must open our understanding of the spiritual meaning of life. God is concerned about our eternal future.  

Isaiah 28: 10,11 teaches us how we can understand God’s ways. “Precept upon precept, line upon line; here a little, there a little.” 

May our Lord guide us in our spiritual journey as we follow him faithfully.  Amen!

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