Pastoral Epistle – December 28, 2023
Beloved Congregation,
Greetings in Jesus!
“I desire mercy and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings”.
Hosea 6:6
God reveals his desire towards his people. God desires mercy over sacrifice and knowledge of God over burnt offering. As we draw closer to the New Year, let us persevere to increase in mercy and the knowledge of God.
Praise the Lord for our Christmas Eve Service: It was a wonderful.. God glorifying service. We are thankful to our Choir director and the worship band for the soulful songs and carols. We re-lived the first Christmas. Thank you to our leaders who prepared our children for the Nativity Scene. It was an exciting evening and our Lord’s name was glorified.
This Sunday, December 31st is New Year’s Eve. We will have our regular service at 10.30 AM and our Watch Night Service at 11.00 pm. Try your best to join in person service.
Kindly let me know if you would like to share a testimony in one of these services.
Sunday Morning Service Live Stream link – Sunday Dec 31st 2023, 10:30am
Past and Present Videos can be accessed through the below link
Birthdays :
Jessy Balendra Dec 31
You can read sunday sermon here
May our Lord who sees your heart richly reward you and prepare you for a blessed 2024
Regards and blessings,