Pastoral Epistle -January, 25, 2023
Beloved Congregation,Greetings in Jesus!“Uphold my steps in Your paths, That my footsteps may not slip.” Psalms 17:5We need God’s guidance in everything we do. When we follow His guidance our steps will be firm and not slip.
Today, wednesday, January 25th…Zoom BibleStudy at 7.30 pm. Kindly attend and be blessed.
Meeting ID: 977 5396 5288
Passcode: 749549
This Sunday, January 29th is fifth Sunday…song and testimony day. As announced, we will not have Holy Eucharist. Kindly let me know if you would like to share a testimony or sing for His glory. Kindly remember our seniors who are by themselves. Pray for God’s presence to surround them with tender care for each day. We are thankful to our Senior Support Team who have been faithful in connecting with our seniors.
YouTube Stream links for Sunday Worship Service: or
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings.
E-transfer your Contributions to :
You can also contribute at:
Birthdays this week and coming up:
Myrah Susan James Jan 24
Vinodkumar Thambyayah Jan 24
Johan Irwin Jan 25
Jeffrey Isaac Prince Dhanapaul Jan 26
Vyjayanthi Velupillai Jan 27James Pothirajulu Jan 30
This year we will be preparing for our Centenary Celebrations. Kindly remember in prayer.
May our Lord uphold our steps in His paths that our footsteps don’t slip.
Regards and blessings, Pastor The Rev’d Dr. Irwin Sikha
Cell : 416-908-5686