Pastoral Epistle – December 15, 2022
Beloved Congregation, Greetings in Jesus!
“He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm.” Psalms 33:9
Our Lord created all things by His Word. He spoke and everything was made. The same Lord came into this world as a little child to give Himself as a sacrifice that we may become His children.
We are immensely thankful for our Christmas Cantata last Saturday. A Big thanks to all who participated and made the service a wonderful time. A special thanks to our Choir Director, musicians, Choir, Tech team and the hospitality team for all your hard work in making our Christmas Cantata a great success.
This Sunday, December 18th we will celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent. Our children will be excited to see Santa bringing them gifts. Kindly bring your children to church. Those who want Holy Communion kindly stay at the altar after the service and receive Holy Communion.
Upcoming Services :
18, Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Advent – Sunday School Christmas Tree – Candle of Love
24, Saturday: Christmas Eve Service 25, Sunday: Christmas Day – Christmas Candle31, Saturday: Watch night Service
January :1, Sunday : New Year Service
Birthdays this week:
Prince Jayakumar Williams Dec 12
Netanya Onnesimus Dec 17
Anniversaries :
Cyril Christopher Oswald and Sangeetha Loganathan Dec 15
YouTube Stream links for Sunday Worship Service: or
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings.
E-transfer your Contributions to :
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Kindly remember our parishioners who are going on vacation. Pray that the Lord will grant them safety and good health.
May our Lord continue His goodness towards you as we draw closer to Christmas. Regards and blessings,Pastor
The Rev’d Dr. Irwin Sikha
Cell : 416-908-5686