Pastoral Epistle – December 7, 2022
Beloved Congregation,Greetings in Jesus!
“In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” Psalms 94:19
We are in Advent Season. We see beautiful decorations everywhere. In the midst of all festivities there is anxiety. Many are pushed into depression. Only God can comfort us. Only our Lord can delight our soul.
This Saturday: December 10th 7.00 pm we have our Christmas Cantata. It will be an evening of celebration and delight. Kindly join with family. Invite your friends. Let us make it a remarkable evening. Please pray fervently for all who will participate in the cantata. Pray for good health for all of us.
Here is the Youtube link for our Christmas program :
Remainder of the Advent calendar :
11, Sunday: Third Sunday of Advent – Youth Sunday – Candle of Joy
18, Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Advent – Sunday School Christmas Tree – Candle of Love24, Saturday: Christmas Eve Service 25, Sunday: Christmas Day – Christmas Candle31, Saturday: Watch night Service
January :1, Sunday : New Year ServiceBirthdays this week:Sandra Davis Dec 5
Geetha Sekaran Dec 7
Spurgeon Devanburaj Dec 9
YouTube Stream links for Sunday Worship Service:
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings.
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May our dear Saviour fill our hearts and homes with delight and celebration. May the Advent Season be meaningful to each of us. Regards and blessings,Pastor
The Rev’d Dr. Irwin Sikha
Cell : 416-908-5686