100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Pastoral Epistle – November 23, 2022

Posted on: November 27th, 2022 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Beloved Congregation,
Greetings in Jesus!

“You will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you”.  ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:12

We see God’s promise here that He will listen to our prayers.  It’s a great encouragement for us to pray without giving up. 

This Wednesday, (today) November 23rd Bible Study on Zoom at 7.30 pm.  Do all you can to attend. https://zoom.us/j/97753965288?pwd=ZkJFd0JZZTRDSWRPN25YMVNZby9JZz09
Meeting ID: 977 5396 5288
Passcode: 749549

This Sunday, November 27th we will begin Celebrating Advent with the candle of Hope, with expectation of His second coming. Kindly join in person service. 

Our Christmas Cantata:  Kindly invite your friends to our Celebration on Saturday, December 10th at 7.00 pm. 

Advent calendar for this season :
November:27, Sunday: First Sunday of Advent  –  Candle of Hope
December: 4, Sunday:  Second Sunday of Advent : Testimony Day –   Candle of Peace10, Saturday: Christmas Cantata 11, Sunday: Third Sunday of Advent  – Youth Sunday  –  Candle of Joy18, Sunday:  Fourth Sunday of Advent – Sunday School Christmas Tree  –  Candle of  Love24, Saturday: Christmas Eve Service 25, Sunday: Christmas Day  –  Christmas Candle31, Saturday: Watch night ServiceJanuary :1, Sunday : New Year ServiceBirthdays this week:Esther Grace Paul   Nov 21
Shirley Davis    Nov 24
Jayaraj Solomon  :  Nov 26

Wedding Anniversary :Isaac Prince Jeffrey and Sharon Olivia Anderson Nov 24
YouTube Stream links for Sunday Worship Service:  
https://youtu.be/3codZ-_z3y8 or https://youtube.com/c/stbedesanglican
Here are the details to send your tithes and offerings.
E-transfer your Contributions to : cw-stbede@toronto.anglican.ca
You can also contribute at: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/st-bedes-church

If you need a pastoral visit kindly let me know.  I can visit your home or have a virtual visit.

Kindly pray fervently for our friends and parishioners who need healing and strength. 

May our Lord who hears the prayers of His people grant you your petitions. 

Regards and blessings,

The Rev’d  Dr. Irwin Sikha

Cell : 416-908-5686

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