100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Pastoral Epistle – November 24, 2021

Posted on: November 26th, 2021 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Beloved Congregation,

Greetings in Jesus!
“The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy.”  ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147:11

This scripture verse is so encouraging that God takes pleasure in us when we fear Him and hope in His mercy.  Let us keep trusting God as we enter the season of Advent.  This year we invite our Parochial leaders to light our Advent Candles each Sunday. This Sunday, November 28th our Outreach coordinator, Tina George will light the candle of Hope.  

As announced earlier, we will be having our Confirmation service on Sunday, March 6, 2022. If anyone in your family would like to be confirmed please let me know at the earliest.  Please pray Fervently for our Advent services beginning this Sunday. We want to see God’s blessings and guidance for our church each Sunday. A reminder about our Outreach ministry, please refer following notes from Tina :

Here are two ways in which you can get involved and spread Christmas cheer this year. 

1.      We are sponsoring 75 Christmas meals for the Neighborhood Group and Teesdale Food Bank for their Christmas dinner on December 23d. If you would like to support, please make your donation through the regular offertory channels (in-person/online/cheque) with a note “Christmas meals-Teesdale.” Our Goal is to raise at least $450. 

2.      Through Holiday Helpers, we are sponsoring Christmas gifts for a single mother and two kids. Jasmine fled her abusive marriage six months ago and is in temporary housing until she is able to secure permanent housing and employment. She is a resilient woman who would be grateful for any help this Christmas season.  

Our church needs volunteers for our AV desk for the following ministries: 1. Presentation with Powerpoint / propresenter.   2. Audio   3. Video streaming.   If you are interested and are willing to be trained, please contact brother James Pothirajulu, brother Jeyachandran Solomon or brother Jefffey Isaac.  This will be a great opportunity to learn and use first hand the technology we have. 

Please remember the 160th General Synod of our Diocese beginning Thursday, November 25th evening to Saturday noon. Pray that we will be sensitive to the voice of God as we make important decisions.  
Please pre register for in person Sunday service. https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/the-church-of-st-bede-anglican-31078840607

Here is the zoom link for our Sunday service if you are attending from home: Please share with friends. 
Meeting ID: 977 5396 5288  
Passcode: 749549 
YouTube Stream links:  
https://youtu.be/BZqdUHkizm8 or http://stbedesanglican.ca/worship-videos/

May our Lord who is coming back,  be with you and guide you and your family each passing day.
Regards & Blessings


The Rev’d  Dr. Irwin Sikha

Cell : 416-908-5686

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