100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Pastoral Epistle – November 17, 2021

Posted on: November 26th, 2021 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Beloved congregation,

Greetings in Jesus!

“He will deliver the needy when he cries, the poor also, and him who has no helper.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭72:12‬ ‭
This week we celebrate the reign of Christ during the last Sunday after Pentecost.
Our God will rule from sea to sea and will deliver the needy, the poor and those who have no helper.   
Time passes so fast.  We are already at the end of the year.  Christmas is fast approaching!
Please contact sister Suganthi, our Altar Guild leader,  to contribute towards decorating the altar during the Advent Season.
We are invited to support our Outreach ministry.  Tina, our Outreach Coordinator has sent out a nice strategy for Christmas giving this year.  Please support as the Lord leads you. ‘Thank you’  to those who have already come forward to support our Outreach ministry. 
We welcome volunteers for the Liturgical Leader ministry, tech support ministry etc.  Please let me know. 

Our next Bible Study is on Wednesday, November 24 at 7.30 pm.  Our Bible Study will be edifying and informative.  Do all you can to join.  You won’t be disappointed.

Please pre-register  to attend our in person service with Eucharist. https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/the-church-of-st-bede-anglican-31078840607

Here is the zoom link for our Sunday service if you are attending from home: Please share with friends. 
Meeting ID: 977 5396 5288  
Passcode: 749549 
YouTube Stream links:  
https://youtu.be/qxttjpIBRxI or http://stbedesanglican.ca/worship-videos/
Please pray for our worship team as we are trying to begin in person Praise and Worship again.  Also pray for all other ministries such as Outreach, Young Adults, Youth, Sunday School etc. 

Our Lord reigns forever and ever.
Regards and blessings

The Rev’d  Dr. Irwin Sikha

Cell : 416-908-5686

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