100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Pastoral Epistle – October 27, 2021

Posted on: October 31st, 2021 by St. Bede Anglican Church

Greetings in Jesus!
“Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”‭‭   Colossians‬ ‭3:23

Our Lord has blessed us.  He has been our provider and protector.  What we can give back to God is to always acknowledge His goodness. Then whatever we do, we will do it unto the Lord. 

This Sunday is the last fifth Sunday of the year. Please pre register to attend in person service.https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/the-church-of-st-bede-anglican-31078840607 We will have a wonderful time of song and testimony.  Please let me know if you want to participate. 

Our Harvest Festival is fast approaching.  Saturday, November 6th.  Please invite your friends and we’ll make it a nice evening. Please contact our wardens for details.  Let us bring our best into the house of God. 
Here is the link for our Harvest Festival to log in from your home:https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/harvest-festival-2021-tickets-192798073227

Ministry opportunity as Sunday School Superintendent:  
We are looking for a suitable person to serve as Sunday School Superintendent from November onwards.  If you want to prayerfully consider serving in Sunday School, please contact me.
Please pray for a suitable person for this responsible position. 
We praise the Lord for our Young Adults who led our Praise and Worship last Sunday.  May the Lord bless them and continue to use them for His glory.

Here is the zoom link for our Sunday service if you are attending from home: Please share it to a few friends and invite them to church. https://zoom.us/j/97753965288?pwd=ZkJFd0JZZTRDSWRPN25YMVNZby9JZz09
Meeting ID: 977 5396 5288  
Passcode: 749549 
YouTube Stream links:  
https://youtu.be/04E3ZSylOaQ or http://stbedesanglican.ca/worship-videos/

Our Lord’s grace and blessings be with you.

The Rev’d  Dr. Irwin Sikha

Cell : 416-908-5686

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