Rev. Dr. Irwin Sikha, B.D., M. Th., D. Min.
Rev. Dr. Irwin Sikha, B.D., M. Th., D. Min. is an ordained priest with the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, with a number of years of Ministry experience, and currently serving as incumbent of St. Margaret’s Tamil Anglican Church. With specialization in New Testament Theology, Pastoral Psychology and Counseling, he is enthusiastic to serve the Lord with a vision to nourish and build the various aspects of the ministry as a Priest and to develop a Christ-centered congregation.
He also has past experiences of lecturing in Bible colleges and seminaries.
His other talents include the ability to play various musical instruments, an expert in wholistic fitness, gospel magic and ventriloquism.
His Mission statement is to “Prepare the Bride” which is the body of Christ and his Life Theme is to “Live in Harmony with the Creator”