100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Vacation Bible School 2020: Join us for two weeks of online fun!

Posted on: June 22nd, 2020 by St. Bede Anglican Church

This year, St. Bede’s Anglican Church and St. Clair Evangelical Missionary Church are offering 2 free one-week online Vacation Bible School programs, for children aged 5 – 12.

Both programs will run as Interactive Zoom Meetings, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and include:

Opening Ceremonies
Bible Adventures
Kid Vid videos
Buddy videos
Imagination station
Snack Time Message
Daily Music
Closing Ceremonies

VBS music CDs and the physical materials required for activities for both programs can be picked up at St. Clair Church on Saturday, July 4, between 3-6 pm.

If you request home delivery when you register, it will be on Sunday, July 5, between 2-5 pm.

Digital downloads of the music will also be available if preferred.

Some of the videos and supporting materials from the camp will also be available on Google Classroom, so children can watch at a different time, if it is more convenient for your family.  What will be missed this way however is group participation and discussions.  A free Gmail account will be required to access Google Classroom. 

Please see the individual program details below. 

Rocky Logo.PNG

Rocky Railway
Jesus’ Power Pulls us Through

Dates: July 6th – 10th

Climb aboard for mountains of fun at Rocky Railway!
On this faith-filled adventure, kids discover that trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs. 

Please register by July 3rd at:  

Wilderness Escape Logo.PNG

Wilderness Escape
Where God Guides and Provides

Dates: July 13th – 17th

An exciting journey with God’s people, the Israelites, that brings God’s Word to life for kids and adults!

Please register by July 3rd at:  

Please feel free to distribute this to your friends and neighbours.  

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