100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Trinity Sunday: The Three In One

Posted on: June 6th, 2020 by St. Bede Anglican Church

This Sunday we celebrate Trinity Sunday and we acknowledge that God is one God in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

The trinity is explained as much as by what it is – Father, Son and Spirit all God — as by what it isn’t. See the image below:  


Confused?  Just remember that God is knowable, but also beyond our full comprehension at this time.  I appreciate the Charles Spurgeon quote, “We can never understand how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can be three and yet one. For my part, I have long ago given up any desire to understand this great mystery, for I am perfectly satisfied that, if I could understand it, it would not be true, because God, from the very nature of things, must be incomprehensible.” 

Join us this coming Sunday as we delve into the mystery of the Trinity and what the Trinity through creation can teach us.   

After the service, join our Zoom coffee hour as we bless baby Andrea and pray for her live on camera.   I look forward to seeing you then, 
Jennifer +


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