100-palm sunday
Our Congregation

Changes to in-person 10:30 Sunday services amid COVID-19

Posted on: March 14th, 2020 by St. Bede Anglican Church

These are unprecedented times, with new directives for public health and safety changing almost hourly in regards to COVID-19.  

As the Church we are called upon to respond with wisdom, grace, and faith.

Here is an overview of key changes you can expect:

This is the overview of St. Bede Sunday services in light of the Covid19 health measures.  

Prior to the Service:

· Everyone involved in the service must use the RSVP method to confirm attendance at the church

· Priest, Welcome Team and musicians arrive at the church up to 45 minutes prior to service. 

· Priest enters the church by the back door.  All other members of parish to enter by the front door.  

· Masks must be donned prior to entering the building and hands sanitized upon entry.

·Priest and/or Welcome team member put out contact tracing book. 

·All volunteers must sterilize their hands and have their names checked off

·If priest arrived before welcome team member, priest or another assigned member will take on this duty to check off arrivals and keep track of numbers. 

· Wipe down of high touch areas as needed with Lysol

Use of Church space

· Everyone coming into worship must wear a mask (exceptions apply for those with medical needs).  People will be encouraged to wear their own masks and bring water if needed.  The church will have disposable masks and water bottles on hand if needed.  

· Hand Sanitizer will be at all entrances and in the pews. 

· Upon entering the church all members must check in at the welcome desk.  They will then be led to sit in pews or be active in their assigned roles. People will be encouraged to bring all personal items to their pews and use the bathroom upon arrival before going into the worship space.  

·A sides-person will guide people to their seats.  One household per pew.  People must sit where assigned.

· If parishioners need to leave the sanctuary prior to the service they are to use the door by the front of the church and to either go downstairs to the washroom or  outside by the parking lot doors.  Within the building reentry is via the lobby by the front door.  Once outside – reentry must be via the front door.  

· To ensure safe space for all volunteers to be in the chancel area – band members must finish any rehearsals by 10:25 and be in their seats.  

· Back pews will be reserved for those volunteering in the service. 

· An offertory plate will be placed by the sanctuary doors and people encouraged to place their donations in prior to the start of the service. 

As Christians we are a people who appreciate sacrifice – for we owe our lives to our Lord, who sacrificed his life, for us, upon the cross so that we may have life, and have it in abundance.  

We too at this time are being asked to sacrifice for the greater good so that the lives of others may be protected. 

The golden rule is quite simple and directive in these times, Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbours as yourselves.  If we do these things we shall find life, even in uncertain times. 

And finally – May God’s peace which passes all understanding guide your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his son Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Blessings to you all. 

Jennifer +

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